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Functional Movement test

    Functional Movement Test Brisbane?

    P2P is the trusted name for the functional movement test Brisbane residents prefer to go with. A functional movement test (FMS) is a tool utilised to find any asymmetries that can result in functional movement deficiencies. The FMS goal is to pinpoint imbalances in mobility and stability while doing seven fundamental movement patterns. This was designed and created to help clinicians and healthcare professionals assess individuals for risk of injury and/or a dysfunctional or performance-limiting movement pattern. When these dysfunctions have been found using the FMS, a tailored program of corrective exercises is then created with the aim of preventing musculoskeletal injuries.

    What are the seven movements?

    The P2P functional movement test in Brisbane includes seven movements that quickly and effectively screen core strength, coordination, flexibility, and dynamic stability which includes:

    Deep Squat

    Hurdle Step

    In-line Lunge

    Active Straight-leg Raise

    Trunk Stability Push-up

    Rotary Stability

    Shoulder Mobility

    The seven-movement patterns are scored from 0-3 points, with the sum creating a score ranging from 0-21 points. A score of less than or equal to 14 on the FMS is used as the cut-off score. Individuals who score less than 14 points on the FMS screen have a greater risk of sustaining an injury. This is why functional movement therapy is crucial.

    45-minute Standard Consultations

    All consultations will take a minimum of 45 minutes depending on your physical state or dysfunction.

    Lasting Results

    Technologies and techniques we utilise can help ensure longstanding relief and treatment.

    Highly Skilled Practitioners

    Our clinicians have years of skills, knowledge, and experience in helping people regain quality of life.

    Your Own Therapist

    You will have a dedicated therapist who will be focused on you and attend to all your needs.

    Holistic Care

    We provide relief and recovery for not just the physical but also for emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.

    Here for Life

    You can trust us to be here to help you throughout your healing journey as well as provide full support at every step.