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Troy Randall

    Clinical Myotherapist in Brisbane

    Troy is an expert clinical myotherapist in Brisbane. He has a special interest in working with sporting teams and elite athletes. He currently works with the Brisbane Bullets basketball team, Australian Wallabies Rugby Union Team, QLD Reds, QLD Ballet, Rio Olympic Sailors, Men’s and Women’s World Boxing Federation (featherweight division), and Professional Tennis Players.

    Troy’s particular passion for treating junior tennis players extends from his professional involvement both as a sportsman and coach. Troy provides individualised strengthening programs to further enhance skill set, assess biomechanical dynamics of their game such as technique and equipment as means for advice on prevention of injuries.

    Along with this set of skills, Troy is a musculoskeletal therapist and movement therapist with extensive experience in treating postural dysfunctions (forward head posture and rounded shoulders) commonly associated with desk workers. After 7 years of management in the corporate world providing ergonomic office designs his treatment protocol involves preventative methods to create a functional workplace.

    Troy’s unique skill set of manual medicine provides the tools to examine and treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. His approach employs a thorough clinical examination and diagnosis protocol involving all systems of the body (joint, muscle, and nerve) that stipulates the information required to treat all physical and MSK impairments.

    After several advanced professional development courses following his already completed qualifications, Troy specialises in the treatment of head and neck conditions, shoulder and elbow pain. Taking a personal interest in rehab, Troy is fully equipped and ready to personalise a program that ensures the prevention of your injury.

    45-minute Standard Consultations

    All consultations will take a minimum of 45 minutes depending on your physical state or dysfunction.

    Lasting Results

    Technologies and techniques we utilise can help ensure longstanding relief and treatment.

    Highly Skilled Practitioners

    Our clinicians have years of skills, knowledge, and experience in helping people regain quality of life.

    Your Own Therapist

    You will have a dedicated therapist who will be focused on you and attend to all your needs.

    Holistic Care

    We provide relief and recovery for not just the physical but also for emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.

    Here for Life

    You can trust us to be here to help you throughout your healing journey as well as provide full support at every step.